...Psssss ¿ A tí te gusta Alejandro Sanz?.... pssssss un moñas...( Sogo dixit MCMXCI)

12 junio 2007


Towards long time that we wanted to write on Vinizius, the new palace of the She-wolves of Mataró. Good, to have an idea one is the premises very similar to Manaus, but it is a mixture of Dasandere with Manaus, although last the age has lowered enough, since the first times there were many she-wolves and they were seen come from distant spot. Manniken dominates to better east subject than I, so I am sure that it will not take in deepening about Vinizius. It is the great and extensive premises, where also there is a terrace with his olive trees, to the purest Getsemaní style. In the bar we have a personage who for of waiter and who loses much oil although he does not let embrace the waiters who are very well... but where Laura de Titus is put that takes off everything. Before there was another waiter but we think that they dismissed it by slow. Good then already you know that we hoped to you in Vinizius and that that is a cave of She-wolves, so you are careful at the time of entering. We see ourselves.

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